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Marin Horizon School

Aerial Rendering of campus showing multiple buildings and landscaping
Exterior rending of multi-use area with children playing
Exterior rendering of three story library with picture windows and people in front of building
Exterior rendering of building entrance with children playing and out door tables and chairs
Exterior rendering of the lower school play area with children playing
Exterior rendering of the upper school play area with children playing

Project Facts


Mill Valley


New library and learning center / Additional classrooms / New restrooms / New multi-use assembly building / New playground, turf field and other site improvements


$12 Million (Phase 1 & 2)


Summer 2020 (Phase 1)


Gelfand Partners Architects, Inc.


Fisher Development (Phase I)


Capital Campaign

Project Full Description

This Montessori inspired independent pre-K-8 coed school challenges students to be self-reliant thinkers, and confident, creative individuals who are mindful of others and the world in which we live. 

Through an extensive planning process, the school identified several critical improvements required to address the educational needs of its community. 

The overall campus plan, developed with the assistance of ECB, is to replace three aging portables with an upgraded library and learning center space with additional classrooms, provide new restrooms, and construct a new multi-use space that allows the entire school community to gather indoors in one location.  In addition, a complete replacement of the play area and associated site work is anticipated.

The first phase of the overall project, completed in 2020, included the replacement of 2,740 SF of portables with a new, two-story 4,144 SF library, learning center and classroom building. The building is set in the hillside and nestled between the upper school and primary classroom buildings.

Phase II will see a reconfiguration of the outdoor play space to reflect the new building footprints, along with new landscaping, bio swales, trees, playground equipment, shade structures and garden areas throughout the site. A small restroom building will be added near the new library. 

The final phase anticipates the construction of a one-story 5,285 SF multi-use building tucked into the hillside on the site of the existing assembly steps, to be used for larger school gatherings, and for play on inclement weather days.

Fact Sheet
401 KB