Marin Academy

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Rendering of exterior of Science and Innovation Center modern structure and active landscaped courtyard

Project Information


San Rafael, CA



18,000 sq. ft. Science and Innovation Center

Science Garden and Courtyard

Various Site Improvements

Athletic Field Replacement


$18.5 Million


Summer 2016


EHDD Architects

Project Description

The Marin Academy Science and Innovation Center is a new 18,340 square foot building located in the central part of the Marin Academy campus, on a sloped hillside between historic Foster Hall and the Athletic Field. The building consists of 6 new science lab classrooms (2 biology, 2 chemistry, and 2 physics), a small independent study lab, shared prep rooms adjacent to the labs, a central lobby and circulation space (”The Hub”), restrooms, and a field level basement. The basement includes a fitness and training room, storage and an office.

The building includes two floors over the basement, with access from the upper floors to the athletic field via an elevator. The finished  materials are compatible with those of its adjacent buildings. Sustainability and environmental stewardship are present throughout the development. 

Site enhancements have improved pedestrian safety and handicapped (ADA) access, as well as vehicular circulation and parking (including the relocation of all parking spaces removed at the new building site).  Located under the shade of an iconic redwood tree, a large new deck was constructed between the new science building and Thacher Hall, adjacent to new stairs down to the athletic field.  An educational garden and courtyard separates the building from Foster Hall and the gyms to the north, and provides space for outdoor learning.

Additional site improvements include replacement of the artificial turf field, reconfiguration of the employee parking lot to the north, widening of the service road to accommodate fire trucks and additional parking spaces, and improvements to the circular driveway and entrance to Foster Hall.  Other upgrades include a storm water treatment, including implementation of educational rain gardens.  

Fact Sheet
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